The medieval West Gate, built on the
site of a Roman gateway in the City wall.
Do you share the concerns of the Forum that, without constant
efforts to resist pressures of unsympathetic development, small
and large, what remains of Canterbury's inestimable built
heritage will continue to deteriorate, step by step?
If you do, and you also have relevant
professional knowledge (qualified architect, landscape architect,
building to land surveyor, town planner) you could offer your help
by volunteering to join us at our monthly meetings to discuss, as
they arise, those local planning applications that may affect
Canterbury's heritage landscape and then help initiate written and
other responses to them. Or perhaps you could consider sponsoring
>us with an annual donation to support our work?
Silver penny of William I
Minted in Canterbury by moneyer Wulfred
1. Becoming a sponsor
Though our architects and heritage experts give their time free we
currently use professional secretarial support for several hours a
month to carry out the various tasks required to ensure the smooth
running of this important organisation. For example we need to keep
track of all new planning applications which affect conservation
areas or are otherwise related to the heritage and street scene of
Canterbury. Our monthly meetings, at which planning applications and
wider issues are discussed, need to be arranged, minuted and any
agreed comments circulated and then sent to the Canterbury City
Council. Altogether our total running costs are in the region of
£3000 per annum and we need to reliably raise this sum otherwise we
cannot continue to function.
For many years up to 2013 we were financed by the council on a
formal basis to advise their planners. Since then our survival has
been dependent on generous donations from individual Councillors,
who still appreciate the good advice we give them, and we also
receive irregular donations from a few residents associations and
individual supporters. However, in this time of recession, the
Councillor grants are no longer assured, and we wish to place our
finances on a more reliable basis, and to expand our activities, so
we have formed a CHDF Supporters Group made up of generous
individuals and organizations who are prepared to make an annual
Minimum suggested rates:
Individuals £10 p.a.
Small businesses £25 p.a.
Larger businesses £100 p.a. |
We welcome such support from anywhere in the world, as we are aware
that many millions have enjoyed a visit to Canterbury and some would
like to help us perpetuate the unique heritage character that they
have enjoyed in the past. If you or your organization would like to
join this select band, then, to support us financially on a regular
basis as noted above, simply set up an annual payment to
Canterbury Heritage Design Forum
Sort code 30-91-60
Account No. 00394801 |
Please use a payment reference of the form CHDFXXXXXX where XXXXXX
are the first 6 characters of your surname, and also please send an
accompanying email with that payment reference and name so that we
can associate it with you and acknowledge your donation. One-off
donations are of course also very welcome.
Forum meets monthly
2. Contributing your expertise
Architects and others with expert
knowledge of local heritage issues would be welcome to attend our
meetings and voice their views on the planning issues, large and
small, that confront us every month, for consideration and
comment. In the first instance please contact our Secretary
expressing your interest, and then an invitation can be arranged
for you to attend our Forum.
We also promote appreciation of our heritage sites and run
occasional walks or talks events. If you would like information on
these please send us your contact details.